
Pink Batts…”I so itchy…”

Since this photo we now also have 95% covered the Pink Batts with ceiling blanket. Giving 3 layers of insulation in the ceiling. (Will eventually get a photo of the the ceiling blanket, but that involves going up in to the ceiling…)

Have we noticed the difference… “Hell yes…” The whole house now holds the warmth longer… even when the fire isn’t going we are noticing the house holding in the warmth a lot longer.

I think I do not like pink batts,
Especially when we had to lay flat.
It is the installation you see,
Itchy and scratchy, just to be.

I think I do not like pink batts,
Across the rafters, I had to use slats.
Confined spaces, stretching and squeezing,
And just to have all that coughing and sneezing.

I think I do not like pink batts,
But hey I did find some old matts.
In the eyes, and breathing all that dust,
The gloves and mask I had in trust.

I think I do not like pink batts,
I should’ve worn some hats.
Spiders, ninja they were, fire breathing,
made me jump. Now I am leaving.

I think I do not like pink batts
But they are in, I need some congrats.
Now snug as a bug in a rug…
warm and cozy …hey, just a advert plug.

I think I will like the batts
but probably so will the rats.
Just now have the underfloor…
with all that mud and damp galore…

I think I will like Polystyrene underfloor insulation