Grinder Stand

Hmmmm. What to do with spare wood?

Hmmmm what to do with three pieces of wood… hmmmm? First you have to look at it very carefully. Think about it some more.

Maybe looking from another angle may help… I could… or maybe… ahhhh huh!!! Mind made up.

Cut them up and make a self standing post. Brilliant.

On the third bit drill some strategically placed holes.

Attach the third piece to the self standing pole… with some scrape pieces of wood, off cuts from under the work bench. Awesome. Put it all together and what have you got.

Flip up the other way bolt grinder onto it and you have a grinder stand. Great just what I needed. Now about those shelves…? I will be making a few changes to the bracing of the lower section… but it works for now.

Added extra bracing to the legs.