Where have I been in 2023?

A couple of things that took their toll on me this year 2023 first of all my pride and joy Ducati was stolen and then it was written off by the thief. This hurt and as it was my pride and joy and I have not replaced it as of yet with another motorcycle and I don’t know when or if I will… (I will I love and I mean love riding)

My Ducati 2002 ST4s in her fully glory and with the after market gizmos etc.

Thief crash it and did a runner… (Though eventually being caught and sentenced…) it still hurts to see this.

Then not long after this we had to put our puppy (10 year old Jack Russell) Rimu down as she developed a heart problem. And those that are dog lovers know that this is equal to one of the family. Rimu was a special dog and I miss her dearly.  The thing here was it was so sudden and we were hoping for at least another 3 or 4 years before we had to start worrying about this. Alas was was not meant to be. Rimu develop a heart issue.

I just stopped going down to the basement, I just plodded on at work, and to be completely honest it had built up over the last few years… Starting with put cat down, they the Ducati being knocked over which I rebuilt, Then my dad passing, Sister dying of cancer, then mom passing Ducati being stolen, having to put puppy down, Ducati being written off plodding on with work which I am not really happy at anymore, it all started to build up and I was not in the right head space to face doing YouTube.

I even admitted to myself that since Rimu and the bike I didn’t want to face my work shop basement … Thing is though that Rimu rarely came and stayed in the Basement while I was doing stuff.

My better half did notice this change and basically said I need another dog after 4 to 6 weeks, even though Rimu was Our/Her dog Rimu was special to both of us. This being said I would like to introduce to Mitre who Our/my puppy and is at the time of writing a nine month old Fox Terrier.

Mitre is Our/My puppy and he is my shadow and basically just follows me everywhere…  Love him to death and my partner sees and keeps saying that I needed another dog. Mitre has a special spot in my heart it was a amazing how quick he stole that spot… Will Mitre be a workshop dog?… while I like the idea, I will most likely say no because of a couple of reasons;

  • Dust: if I need to wear a mask when making dust I not going make Mitre be there with out one.
  • Noise: the hi-pitch sound of certain tools and extractors etc is not good for dogs if I have to wear ear protection and can’t get my puppy to wear any who has more sensitive hearing…
  • Smells: With dog’s sensitive sense of smell and with all the chemicals and dust, laser fumes etc I don’t expect any dog should have to put up with that.

Now this does not mean he will never be in videos or never be in the basement but don’t expect to see him always in the background etc.

I am now feeling better or in the right head space to start doing video’s again soon…however I have to deal with Xmas and new year first. It will take a bit to get going and get my limited followers back (Even YouTube said I am no longer monitised as I have engaged in x number of months) so there is a bit of work a head of me… on-wards and upwards…

Kia Kaha
Stay Strong

Edit: Just as I write this I found out that my nephew, youngest son of my sister that passed away due to cancer committed suicide just last night 16 days out from Xmas. It hasn’t really hit me yet, but I was wondering when the third shit thing would hit for this year.

Well, I was wondering what the third shit thing that was for me to go through this year was going to be…Well Shit … swear curse mutter mutter… here we are… The signs are damned near impossible to read.

Sister who passed due to cancer… and my nephew who took his own life following his life battles.

Please and especially at this time of year… it can be hard for some and harder for others… if you are feeling depressed, alone, hurt need someone to just listen, a shoulder to cry on or what ever please reach out before you do something drastic because all suicide does is just makes it harder for those that you leave behind.
My door is always open to my friends and family if they need me, and when I say always I do mean always. Coffee, bourbon, while I may not always be able to come to aid due to distance/I just as broke, or my own circumstances etc, but I can listen offer some advice, we can have coffee or bourbon or whatever just to get you back into the right head space…